Featured Special
Carpet Cleaning$20 Off Any Carpet Cleaning Coupon Code, Save20Expires: 11/30/2025Minimum service charges apply. Offer not valid with prior purchases or any other offer. HCE Cleaning Method.Chem-Dry of Boulder
Carpets cleaned by Chem-Dry of Boulder are left dry within just 1-2 hours, not 1-2 days like other carpet cleaning methods such as steam carpet cleaning or shampooing. We do not pump excessive amounts of soapy water into your carpeting during cleaning and try to suck it back out. Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaning’s method is much different. Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaning uses only 1/4 the amount of water to clean carpets. Our organic carpet cleaning solution is copied from Mother Nature and is chemical-free and non-toxic. Our core carpet cleaner & furniture cleaning solution is called The Natural and is Green Certified and on the F.D.A.’s G.R.A.S. list. We do not need soaps, detergents, or harsh chemicals to accomplish our great carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning results because we’ve got the power of crystal clear carbonated carpet cleaning bubbles.
The carpet cleaners at Chem-Dry of Boulder deep clean your carpets, deeper than steam carpet cleaning and shampooing machines. At Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaning we only use the CTS truck mount cleaning system. Our awesome carbonated carpet cleaning solution creates a powerful reaction that cleans deep down in a safe and gentle way-because the millions of carbonated carpet and upholstery cleaning bubbles do most of the work for us. There is no soapy residues left behind, so carpets and furniture cleaned are cleaned deeper, and left clean longer, because there are no dirt attracting residues.
Many people believe that the best way to clean carpets, rugs, and furniture is to soak them, and then suck the water back out of the carpets and fabrics. This method is outdated and is found with the typical Boulder steam carpet cleaner or carpet shampooing machine. A soggy approach to carpet and upholstery cleaning has serious drawbacks. Massive amounts of soapy water forced into fabrics and carpets can create a breeding ground for mildew and mold. As well, carpets are wet too long and have soapy, chemical residues left behind. On the other hand, we use minimal amounts of moisture to clean carpets, rugs, and upholstery. This reduces the chance of bacteria and leaves you with a healthier home and office environment. Our green carpet cleaning and organic carpet cleaning solutions make for an ideal carpet cleaner service with allergy sufferers, kids & pets in the home. No sticky, filmy residues left behind, carpets stay cleaner, longer.
Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaner’s exclusive and patented carbonating carpet cleaning solution is applied with a low-pressure spray machine which covers carpet and furniture with millions of microscopic non-toxic carbonated bubbles. This green carpet cleaning solution separates soil and grime from the carpet fibers and forces them to the surface where they are easily extracted with the suction of the CTS. Because Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaning uses a nominal amount of moisture during cleaning, carpets cleaned the Chem-Dry of Boulder carpet cleaning way only take 1 to 2 hours to dry.
While area rugs are a beautiful addition to any room, they receive a fair amount of traffic and can quickly become dirty. Let Chem-Dry of Boulder bring the patterns and colors of your area rugs back to their original beauty.
Carpet Cleaning$20 Off Any Carpet Cleaning Coupon Code, Save20Expires: 11/30/2025Minimum service charges apply. Offer not valid with prior purchases or any other offer. HCE Cleaning Method.Chem-Dry of Boulder
Serving Boulder, Jefferson, Adam & Weld County Colorado.